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Inner Bliss yoga f0r fertility

In this New Aquarian Age we are ushered to create a life out of love & trust. Inner Bliss yoga supports you in this paradigm shift by creating a practice of Love with yourself. 

Inner Bliss yoga focuses on creating a deep connection with the inner world of the yogi and the embodied reminder of being Universal Love.

Much yoga practices in the West that focus on the physical body and what happens on the outside, Inner Bliss yoga invites you go inward an actually feel your entire body being filled with energy.


The Inner Bliss yoga ateliers are a space and practice of co creation that have no real aim other than to completely surrendering in the moment, soften yourself and remember the joy of yin-yang balance in your system.

Many women seek to enhance their fertility in order to conceive a child. The path to fertility, however, isn’t as straight forward as one might hope. Psychological, emotional, physical and spiritual factors all play an intertwined role. The best way to start your journey is by listening to your body and the wisdom it wants to share with you.


The inner bliss yoga classes are designed for women who want to enhance their fertility by growing their capacity for whole body listening. Wisdom from the Tao (five elements, organs, meridians) is combined with somatic mindfulness practices and chanting. The focus within the practice is on the growth of the heart-womb connection and deeply connecting to the womb as center. By connecting to the outer cycles of the Moon we can reference with the inner cycles of the female body.


Mahamantra yoga

The first level on which energy is manifested in the world is through sound. So by just listening to music, perceiving specific sounds, the Shakti energy (the Love) can be directly experienced.  By creating sounds, through the singing of vowels (= nada yoga) and mantras (= kirtana) the yogi creates inner coherence and feels the soft energy of Love within. 



Each yoga atelier is centered around 

a different theme related to the week of the Lunar month and time of the year. Sometimes a specific goddess guides the atelier (eg. Inanna or Demeter) and by hearing her stories (lilas) specific themes and qualities come into light for the yogi to recognize within. Each atelier creates the oppurtunity to feel the inner connection with the outside, with Gaia. 



During the atelier the primary focus is on completely feeling what is happening inside the body while performing asanas (postures) or while  chanting. Therefore a slow pace is maintained as to enhance a somatic mindfullness. 

The combination of exercises are a meditation in itself and always supported by calming pranayama (breathing) exercises.  

Get to know Inner Bliss yoga

Try-out class is on donation basis

Single class is €16,-

10 classes are €141,-

When your are a paying yogi you can bring a friend to try-out for free.


Thursday evening 19:00 – 20:15 Stilteruimte Zero Point Breda

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