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Womb of Creation

The Cosmic Womb, our primordial origin, the Galactic Centre.

The Womb of the Great Goddess goes by many names, considered to be the beginning and end of all universes.

All of life is created out of this void of unknown depths.


You will reach a state of embodiment where you’re ready to empty yourself and access this place of nothingness. In Her womb you surrender yourself to the Cosmic Mother so you can be re-born. Here you release your identity, dissolve all your conditioning while being nurtured and absorbed into the unknown.


From Her Womb of Creation She births all souls and She can therefore also re-create any soul. What this re-birth looks like for you is the big mystery you’re drawn into. This place of quantum potential knows no reason only rhyme, so don’t try to understand Her with your mind. Your higher heart will tell you when it’s time to journey here.


Journey into the Void

To journey to the Womb of Creation requires both courage and dedication. When you possess the strength to surrender to the unknown completely, you are ready for the journey.


Since the dawn of creation women have been able to retrace their steps back to their origin in the Cosmic Mother. The practice of journeying there has been accessible to advanced female initiates in the mystery schools such as the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, the Therpeutae in Canaan, the cult of Isis in ancient Egypt and the Alta in Atlantis.


Only you can decide how and when the journey to the Womb of Creation is part of your path to self realization. Silke has traveled there many times (in this life and others) and will support you in your journey.


You will first have a (1 hour) mentor call to connect with each other and assess your readiness for the journey into the void. Together you will decide when is the most auspicious time to make the journey.

The journey will take around 2,5 hours and a few weeks after there will also be a (half hour) mentor call for some aftercare.  Costs €423,-


You can connect with Silke here.

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