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Womb of Gaia

All of Earthly creation comes from the Womb of Gaia. There is a power beyond imagination.

And all women have direct access to the Womb of Gaia. In Her womb we can re-connect with our lineage and our anceistors. We can see the Web of Life and our connections in it.

In the Womb of Gaia we can tap into Her wisdom and creative power so we can bring our soul's desires earthside. As partners in creation we forge our plans with Mother Earth and we create clarity on what's needed for their manifestation.

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How does it work?

Traveling to the Womb of Gaia is not as difficult as it might seam. All women have a direct connection from their own womb to the Womb of Gaia they can access. Silke guides you to rediscover this connection and to clear the path for accessing it.

A journey into the Womb of Gaia is a confirming inner adventure. The experience resembles a shamanic journey to the underworld.


The Womb of Gaia is a place full of power and wisdom you can travel to for either clarity (on your lineage) or to start a new (co)creation. You will feel drawn to take a journey there with either of these intentions.

There are different kind of journeys Silke offers, so feel into the one that resonates with you.

Which journey?

Silke offers two different journeys to the Womb of Gaia and both of these journeys can be experienced both live and on recording.

Sitting in Mother’s lap is the journey to make when it’s your first time traveling to the Womb of Gaia or when you’re looking for wisdom. You travel to Her womb and once there you start exchanging with Her.

Mother is calling is the journey to make when you’re comfortable traveling to the Womb of Gaia and you feel ready to be of service to Mother Earth. She’s calling you into Her womb so She can show you what the web of life has to offer to you.



Around New Moon of every month Silke offers one of the journeys to the Womb of Gaia live. Follow her on Instagram to see which journey is coming up next.


The journeys are held both onsite and online, depending on where Silke is at the moment. You only need to bring yourself and your intention. Having experience with somatic womb work is helpful but not necassary to make the journey.


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