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Voice Soundhealing

Energy is the foundation of our very existence and through the vibrations of sound your body & soul can be altered. In the Voice Sound healing Silke connects with your soul so she can express what wants to be heard. Blocked energies start moving, you move into a theta state of mind and parts of your soul that have been split off very gently return to you.



How does it work?

You will first share a little bit about where you are in life and next are invited to connect with your heart so you can share your intention for the healing session.

After a short meditation you can lay down and Silke will start playing her lightdrum. The beating of the drum will bring you further into a meditative state. While Silke starts voicing, you support the healing process by bringing your awareness to the major chakras in the body.

During the session Silke creates a space of deeply healing interpersonal resonance with soft, comforting energies that will befenit you in your journey in becoming a mother.


For the healing session you want to wear loose clothing so you can move comfortable during the meditation. You are invited to lay down on a matrass on the ground or on a massagetable (depending on the location).


When she is in the Netherlands Silke gives

Voice Soundhealings in a quiet location in the city centre of Breda (Ceresstraat or Mauritsstraat).


The Voice Soundhealing takes around 75 - 90 minutes and costs €100,-

Send an e-mail or text for Silke's availability.


"What an extraordinary experience to receive a voice soundhealing from Silke... I was surprised to feel my intention become reality the day after the session... Definitely recommend!"


             Jolanda - Praktijk Dierenvreugde

"Silke asked me to write down my experiences with the sound healing in a few words.
I like to do that, because I am impressed by what she offers.

The healing is powerful, yet agreable.
The variety in healing modalities always amazes me.
The lessons resonate for a long time; a beautiful experience.
It is also nice that Silke is very empathetic.

I highly recommend her lessons."

                                                             -  Wim Thewissen

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